Welcome to The Phonics Kingdom.
Where Language Lives!
Resources that supplement
The Alphabet Stories Series Triad
The Phonics King Games/App
The Phonics King Practice Books
Phonics Celebration CD: A New Generation of Alphabet Songs, Chants and Phonics Fun!
The Phonics King Animated Children Videos
The Adventures of the Phonics Kingdom
Books, CDs, Apps, & More...
Strengthen your child's
Phonics skills
Visual discrimination skills
Letter recognition skills with The Alphabet Stories Triad (volume 1, Volumes 2A, 2B, and Volume 3
This series features progressive alphabet lessons that reinforce math and reading concepts.
It is organized in clusters of five alphabet letters (ABCDE, FGHIJ, KLMNO, PQRST) with the last cluster having six letters (UVWXYZ).
Many of the topics are arranged within a geometric theme:
Nouns for People, Animals, Places, and Things / Uppercase and Lowercase Letters / Letter Mazes / Picture Mazes / Beginning Sounds / Ending Sounds / Mixed Alphabet Cluster